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Improv 04


Raoul Bjorkenheim electric guitar

Lukas Ligeti drums



The title of Shadow Glow becomes apparent the instant that the music commences.

Steeped in the beauty of varying influences of world beats, there is a rhythmically driven

forward motion that is wrapped in the soft washes of guitarist, Raoul Bjorkenheims, beautiful

harmonic movements.  Even the more pointillist pieces carry with them a forward and

exotic optimism, reminiscent of the the title.

Lucas Ligeti, Austrian born, whose interest in composition, mathematics, jazz, computer music

and drumming from around the world lead him to work on motion-based technique for playing

polymetric  patterns. Here he thrusts the music forward, in an energetic dialogue with Bjorkenheim's

exploratory motifs and long ranged melodic/sound movements on guitar, both alternately lead

as they groove  & push their way through the improvisations on Shadow Glow, giving a melancholic

darkness over to a warm glow of energy and light, rendered in sound. American born, and now living

in New York, Raoul Bjorkenheim's guitar work represents a mature extension of his  presence as a leading

 guitarist in the Finnish and European experimental jazz and free improvisation movement.

Very listenable, engaging, free improvisation, music that speaks of purity, and fragility, beauty, expansion,

world community, and imagination, spinning out of intensive commitment to playing.