the improvisor
exists for the purpose of sharing
experiences in world of sound,
writings about sound,
movement & music, performance
events of interest,
and to build a network of people
& a web of information,
in which to further develop and support the act of
unabashed creativity and play....
the improvisor
founded in 1980 as a resource for musicians & composers
of free improvisation,
to share music, ideas, articles,
reviews, scores, and links to
interesting sites...
travel journals, poetry, inspirations
and more...
After 30 years of active service,
the improvisor is no longer be actively reviewing individual
media releases.
This was important in our founding years, as
there were few publications substantially covering this body of work.
Now in a third generation internet age, there
are many internet resources, catalog
reviewers, artist blogs, and
discriptions of CD releases for this
Our new mission is to continue the discussion of free
and musicians and artists creating or
writing about the field of free
are invited to contribute
artist images, writings
on philosophy, theory, practice
and points of view on
improvised music.
Please consider contributing.
All Articles and writings remain the property of the
To Submit Articles,
Art, Essays, Images, or Poetry:
by email to:


See more of the improvisor thirty year anniversary
festival here.