the improvisor the international journal on free improvisation |
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o despertar do funambulo CD Americo Rodrigues My wife is asking me who died as this plays. Billed as "Sound Poetry", it doesn't quite fill the bill. Some of that automatic speaking over top of quite interesting improvised instruments (brass & reeds for the most part). There's no doubt that this can be interesting in a live setting, where the audience often gets to participate, but the spoken stuph is so far into random that it can't pull the listener "in" on a recording. I find spoken-word stuff from madpoet John M. Bennett far more interesting, because there are interjections of words/phrases that allow the listener a reference point Rodrigues spoken work, while totally "free", gives the you little but energy (tho' there's PLENTY of that). In fact, it's almost to the point where the words actually DISTRACT from what might be a very interesting set of improvised instrumentals. For those into total strange & "grab as ya' go" poetry, there may be some attraction, but it just wasn't my cuppa' mud. You be the judge, I guess. -Rotcod Zzaj Aquilo Teatro CRL |
the improvisor