the improvisor the international journal on free improvisation |
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Review of a visit to
Toronto: Kurt Newman- solo guitar From sparce introductions converging into interesting personal tonalities and languaging for guitar, electric frazzles transforming sound in a slow rise of intensity, cry baby gets a new meaning. Coaxing an expression dry and fragile as rare mosses (music) growing on a riverbank, speaking silently as the wilderness night sounds. From a hollow bodied electric, Kurt Newman coaxes a variety of sounds in hammering, stroking, rubbing, fingerings and placements, creating a contrapuntal deluge of simultaneous musical noise, harmonics, and sound events. One of the most interesting new stylists I've heard in a long time.
John Oswald-alto saxophone, Allison Cameron-assorted
things, Mike Genera-drums LaDonna Smith, yes, that was me, too tranced out to
remember anything other than playing solo viola, and in trio with Angelique von
Berlo-accordian and John Oswald-alto saxophone wrapping up the gig, in a
sonority discussion that culminated in a rousing groove. |
the improvisor